Australasian Darter
Often seen drying its outstretched wings.
Native. Hunts large prey - Wallabies & Kangaroos.
White throated Honeyeater
Length of adult 11.5 to 14.5 cm
Pacific Bazza
Diet: fruits, insects, frogs, birds, snakes, lizards.
Red-neck Wallaby
Brown Honeyeater
Diet: Nectar, also spiders & insects.
Fan-tailed Cuckoo
Crested Pigeon Chick
Found in wooded grasslands near water.
Pheasant Coucal Nest
The only Australian cuckoo that raises its own young. Nests are on the ground.
Swamp Wallaby
Solitary animal. Habitat: thick forest undergrowth.
Royal Spoonbill
Nests in colonies alongside ibises, herons & cormorants.
Whiptail Wallaby
Prefers hilly terrain, open eucalypt forest and grassy understory
Pelicans are recent arrivals at Ivory's Rock.
Bush Stone-Curlew Parents
Diet: insects, small reptiles & rodents.
Scaly breasted Lorikeet
Also eat insects & insect larvae found in foliage.
Australia’s only stork. Also known as the Black-necked Stork.
Australian Grebe
Dives deeply to catch fish
Scaly breasted Lorikeet
The only lorikeet with an all-green head & red beak.
Little Corellas Flock
Large flocks live along watercourses.
Blue faced Honeyeater
Also known as Banana Bird - enjoys banana flower nectar.
Australian Water Dragon
Diet: Invertebrates, fruit, flowers, rodents.
Pied Currawong
Beautiful song. Diet: Invertebrates, berries, eggs & chicks, reptiles.
Eastern Grey Kangaroo
Highest speed recorded is 64km
Magpie feeding Channel billed Cuckoo
The Channell-billed Cuckoo lays her eggs in the Magpie's nest to raise.
Royal Spoonbill
Fishes by sweeping bill slowly from side to side. Also rapid motions while running.
Scaly-breasted Lorikeet in Callistemon flowers
Diet: Nectar & pollen harvested with their brush-tongues.
Eastern Spinebill
Honeyeater. Length: 15 cm long.
Tawny Frogmouth
More closely related to Owlet-nightjars than to Owls.
Crested Pigeon Nest
Young hatch after 3 weeks.
Little Black Cormorants
Breeding plumage appears more bronzed than black.
Lemon-migrant Butterflies
Butterflies migrate to lay eggs on Cassia plants.
Eastern Great Egret
Beak colour darkens during breeding season.
'Lace Monitor' also known as 'Tree Monitor' is prevalent at Ivory's Rock.
Nests can be 1 metre deep in banks of earth.
Eastern Long necked Turtle
Avoids people. Shy unless threatened.
Whiptail Wallaby
Also know as the Pretty-faced Wallaby
Eastern Yellow Robin Nesting
Nest made of plant material & spider web, disguised with bark & leaves.
Carpet Python
Non-venomous. Constricts & suffocates prey.
King Parrot Male
Usually seen in pairs or small family groups
Adults: 2 metres long, 14 kilos weight
Royal Spoonbill
Diet: fish & invertebrates.
Noisy Friarbird
Enjoying Grevillea flower nectar
Pied Butcherbird
Beautiful warbling song. Diet: reptiles, mammals, frogs, birds, inverebrates.
Diet: Insects, seeds, fruits. Garden raiders.
Welcome Swallow feeding Chicks
Takes insects on the wing. Builds mud nests.
Eastern Koel Male
Also known as the Pacific Koel.
Crested Pigeons
Both parents incubate eggs & care for young.
Grey Butcherbird
Beautiful songbird. Closely related to the more ground dwelling Magpie.
Nocturnal, hunting beetles & grubs.
Brown Cuckoo Dove
Diet: fruits & seeds in forest trees. Not often seen on the ground.
Wood Ducks
Spend more time foraging on land than in water.
Wheelweaving Spider
Builds a small web which it destroys at dawn. Female 6mm, Male 3.5mm
King Parrot Female
Lay eggs in deep tree hollows.
Eastern Long necked Turtle
Solitary animals. Can move long distances.
Eastern Bearded Dragon
Opens beard & mouth when threatened
Whiptail Wallaby
Joeys stay in pouches for 9 months, then close to mother for 18 months.
Straw necked Ibis
Little Pied Cormorant
Can dive underwater for fish, yabbies. Also eats insects.
Brown Honeyeater Nest
Female incubates eggs. Both parents feed young.
Brush-tail Rock Wallaby Joey
Specially modified feet to grip to terrain.
Nankeen Night Heron
Red-necked Wallaby with Pouch Pinky
A 'Pinky' has no fur. Once it grows fur it is called a 'Joey'.
Fiery Skimmer Dragonfly
Female. Length is approx 7cm
Masked Lapwing Nest Eggs
Both parents take care of young and defend nest
Eastern Grey Kangaroo
Pair grooming each other.
Ivory's Rock is part of the largest continuous stretch of eucalypt forest in the region.
Pacific Bazza
Also known as the Crested Hawk.
Scarlet Honeyeater
Diet: beetles, flies, moths & caterpillars.
Magpie Worm
Comfortable walking along the ground. Diet: invertebrates, grubs, lizards.
Red Belly Black Snake
Venomous. Will flee when threatened. Diet: fish, tadpoles, frogs, lizards, snakes & mammals.
Eastern Spinebill
Nests: twigs, grass, bark, & spider's web
Eastern Yellow Robin
A perch & pounce hunter. Diet is mostly invertebrates.
Australian Grebes Nest
Both parents care for young.
Pacific Bazza
Both parents care for the young.
Great Egret
Usually hunts in water, also takes prey while in flight.
Eastern Long necked Turtle
Diet: insects, worms, fish, frogs.
Whiptail Wallaby
Lives in groups of 10, moving within large mobs of 50- 100
Common Bronzewing
Diet: Seeds, vegetable matter.
Huntsman Spider
Young Huntsman spiders are a paler colour.
Rainbow Lorikeet
Wide range of habitats, rainforest, woodlands,& treed urban areas.
Figbird Female
Nests in small groups, quite close together.
Lifespan: 40 years. Mate for life.
Black-fronted Dotterel
Usually lives alone. Forms large flocks up to 100 in winter.
Tawny Frogmouths
Experts in camouflage, amongst the tree branches.
Whiptail Wallaby
Lifespan: 10 years
Largest member of the Kingfisher family.
Australian Owlet-nightjar
Roosts in tree hollows. Can be mobbed by birds that mistake them for owls.
King Parrot Male
Known for its loud & musical call
Great Egret
Brown Honeyeater
Loud strident call.
Diet: Insects, fruit & nectar.
Brown Honeyeater
Nest made from bark, grass, & down.
Koalas rest 20 hours a day. Little energy is obtained from diet.
Brush-tail Rock Wallabies
Wildlife Queensland photo. Confirms presence at Ivory's Rock in 2022!
Kookaburras are carnivorous.
Plumed Whistling Ducks family
Plucks grass on land. Also takes food from water's surface.
Green Tree Snake
Rises up, inflating throat & body if threatened. Makes a stink from glands. Not venomous.
Strawnecked Ibis
Diet: invertebrates, frogs, lizards & small rodents.
Brush-tail Rock Wallaby
Photographed approx 20 years ago.
Fiery Skimmer Dragonfly
Habitat: wetlands, creeks, forests. Female.
Green Tree Snake
No fangs, no venom. Sharp teeth to grasp frogs.
Wood Duck Mother with Fledgings
Also known as the Maned Duck.
Whiptail Wallabies
Home range: Up to 110 hectares.
Eastern Grey Kangaroo
Males can be 2 metres tall
Brown Quail
Also known as Swamp Quail.
Noisy Miner Nest
Part of the Honeyeater family.
Black Winged Stilt
Wading bird, feeding on insects & small fish.
Very social & affectionate birds.
Brush-tailed Rock Wallabies
Vulnerable in Queensland. Endangered in NSW (2019 fires)
Australian Grebe Nest Chicks
Eats feathers to regurgitate & prevent injury to chicks (fish bones)
Fan-tailed Cuckoo
Diet: insects, fruit, reptiles, mammals & other bird's chicks.
White throated Honeyeater
Live in pairs or small groups.
Masked Lapwing Hatchling
Nests are often in exposed vulnerable sites.
Golden Orb Spider
Builds large, semi-permanent orb webs, which have a golden sheen.
Good for environment. Feral cats & foxes avoid them.
Affected by habitat loss, cars, dogs.
Tawny Frogmouths
Brush-tailed Phascogale
Wildlife Qld images at Ivory's Rock. Listed as Vulnerable.
Noisy Miner Albino Chick
Scaly-breasted Lorikeets
Feed in flocks often with Rainbow Lorikeets. Very social. Loud squarks.
White-faced Heron
Nests have a haphazard appearance, made of sticks in a tree.
Territorial. Solitary except in breeding season.
Diet: carrion, eggs, chicks, small mammals, snakes.
Common Green Tree Frog
Eats almost anything, invertebrates, bats & small snakes.
Green Jumping Spider
Uses vision to stalk prey. A silk safety line prevents it from falling.
Double-barred Finches
Flocks can be up to 40 birds.
Grannys Cloak Moth
Redback Spider
Diet: Insects. Also juvenile mice, snakes, frogs snagged in web. Venomous. Length: Females 10mm Males 4mm.
Male builds mound for several females to lay eggs in.
Wedge-tailed Eagle with Prey
Largest bird of Prey in Australia
Tawny Frogmouth with Fledglings
Breeding pair bonds for life & share care for young.
Brown Quails
Prefers to run and hide than fly
Pale headed Rosella
King Parrot Female
Diet: Seeds, fruits & flowers in the forest canopy.
Brush-tail Rock Wallabies
Listed as Vulnerable, due to habitat loss.
Willie Wagtail feeding Chick
Diet: Mostly insects, also small lizards
Grey Fantail
Builds several nests in breeding season. Lays eggs in only one.
Bush Stone-Curlew Nest
Birds freeze to avoid detection.
Noisy Miner Albino Chick
This albino chick is the only one seen here in 30 years
Little Black Cormorant
Excellent divers & swimmers Webbed feet.
Bush Stone-Curlew Hatching
Exposed nests make chicks vulnerable
Crested Pigeon
Distinctive thin black erect crest.
Golden Orb Spider
Webs sometimes trap small birds & bats, which it wraps & feeds upon.
Cormorants sur le lac
Form large flocks, forages on water.
Cicada nymphs spend years underground. They climb trees to emerge as adults.
Grey-crowned Babbler Nest
Large dome nests built in tree forks 4-7 metre above ground.
Peregrine Falcon
Swooping at speeds of up to 300 km/h. Pairs hunt co-operatively.
Wedge-tailed Eagle Fledgling
Diet: Mostly carrion. Also live rabbits & small animals.
Shining Bronze Cuckoo
Able to eat grubs that other birds avoid. Its gizzard's lining catches caterpillar spines, which are later spat out.
Australasian Darter
Swims submerged with just its neck protruding.
Short-beaked Echidna
Solitary. Lifespan:16 years. Length: 35 cm. Diet: Ants & termites.
Sulphur crested Cockatoo
Lifespan: 50-60 years. Chicks remain with parents. Family groups stay together indefinitely.
Sugar Glider
Glide through the air, using flaps of skin between their legs.
Egg laying Mammal. Deposits egg into pouch to hatch. The young is called a 'Puggle'.
Eastern Koel Male
Diet: figs, fruits, insects. Loud repetitive call
Eastern Grey Kangaroo
Joeys are independent at 18 months.
Strong feet to rake leaf litter for food.
Pale headed Rosella
Usually seen in pairs. Diet: grass seed, fruit & flowers.
Azure Kingfisher
Nests in burrows dug into banks.
Southern Boobook Owl
Nests in tree hollows. Diet: invertebrates, small mammals.
Brush-tail Possum
Diet: mainly eucalyptus leaves, fruits, flowers. Raids gardens.
Crested Pigeons
Restless Flycatcher
Hovers & catches insects. Makes whirring, rasping noises.
Common Ringtail Possum
Creates a ball nest of woven twigs in tree canopy.
Brush-tail Possum
Nocturnal. Nest in tree hollows. Solitary.
Red-neck Wallaby
Lifespan: Up to 9 years
Little Corella
Pair for life. Nest in tree hollows. Both parents care for young.
Red-neck Wallabies
Grooming each other.
Red-neck Wallaby
Small in stature reaching 1 metre
Eastern Bearded Dragons
Diet: leaves, fruits, insects, small mammals & reptiles
Also known as Peep-wrens. Length 8–12 cm
Carpet Python
Diet: mammals, birds, reptiles.
Eastern Grey Kangaroos
Groups of 10 or so individuals live within larger 'Mobs'
Masked Lapwing Chick
Eastern Koel Female
Migrates from Sth East Asia to breed here.
Peregrine Falcon Fledglings
Fledglings nesting on Ivory's Rock, ready to fly.
Vision is poor. The only mammal with vertical slit pupils.
Common Bronzeswing
Visits waterholes frequently. Shy & wary.
Wood Ducks in Pond
Both parents care for young. Nests are a pile of down inside tree hollows.
White Throated Honeyeater
Builds cup-shaped nest of bark & grasses in tree forks.
Bush Stone-Curlew Eggs
Nests on ground, amongst leaf litter
Pale headed Rosellas
Often seen in pairs.
Nankeen Night Heron
Diet: frogs, yabbies, lizards, mice, invertebrates, caterpillars, & dragonfly larvae.
Eastern Grey Kangaroo
Can cover 7metres in one jump
Whiptail Wallaby
Wallabies are Macropods which means 'big foot'
Red-browed Firetail Finches
Large dome nests built in undergrowth. Side tunnel entrance.
Azure Kingfisher
Plunges into water to catch fish, aquatic insects, frogs.
Diet: Seeds, grubs, roots, nuts, berries. Grain Crops.
Red-neck Wallabies Fghting
Males will fight during breeding season.
Pelican and Ducks
Wingspan: up to 2.5 metres
Ground Cuckooshrike
Long legs, runs quickly. Forages for invertebrates.
Kookaburra nesting in an old termite nest.
King Parrot Male
Widespread across east coast, including suburbs.
Plumed Whistling Duck Family
Pairs for life. Parents raise chicks together.
In 2022 listed as Endangered in Queensland.
Their 'bill pouch' can hold 13 litres of water.
Scarlet Honeyeater Female
Female incubates the eggs, but both parents feed the young. Up to 3 broods per season.
Huntsman Spider
Poor eyesight. Senses insects through hairs on its body. Lifespan: 2 years.
Noisy Miner Nest Chick
Eastern Sedge Frog
Environment affects frog's colour - fawn to light green
Pheasant Coucal
When disturbed, runs rather than fly, or flies clumsily. Ground dwelling in dense undercover.
Rainbow Lorikeet
Enjoying the blossoms of the Paperbark tree
Red-neck Wallaby
Koalas are not bears. Closest relative is the Wombat.
Scarlet Honeyeater
Bark is torn from trees & bound with spiderweb to make nests.
Noisy Miner
Diet: nectar, fruits, invertebrates, grubs, small reptiles, frogs.
White-necked Heron
Also known as the Pacific Heron
Masked Lapwing and Chick
Little Corella
Considered pests by Grain farmers.
Red-neck Wallaby with Wallaby
Marsupials carry their young in their pouch.
Green Tree Frog
Eastern Grey Kangaroo Mob
'Mobs' is the term for groups of Kangaroos or Wallabies.
Pale-vented Bush Hen
Also known as Moorhen. Shy. Lives near water.
Eastern Koel Female
Cuckoo family. Lays eggs in other bird's nests.
Bar-shouldered Dove
Diet: seeds of grasses, sedges, herbs. Also rhizomes.
Lifespan: 25-30 years. Wingspan 65-85cm. Highly intelligent birds
Descends to coolest part of a tree during hot weather.
St Andrews Cross spider
Rainbow Lorrikeet
Diet: Pollen, nectar of grevilleas, banksias, melaleucas, eucalyptus flowers. Also insects & fruits.
Straw necked Ibis
Diet: Invertebrates - beetles, crickets, grasshoppers, spiders, freshwater yabbies.
Red-browed Firetail Finch
Found in dense vegetation & grassy areas.
Masked Lapwing
Bold. Aggressive when protecting nests.
Eastern Blue-tongue Lizard
Protrudes large blue tongue to scare predators
Scarlet Honeyeater
Diet: Insects & nectar, taking flying insects on the wing.
Satin Flycatcher
Found in tall trees in gullies.
Yellow Faced Honeyeater
Short-billed honeyeater. Diet: invertebrates also nectar, pollen from Banksia & Grevillea flowers.
Channel-billed Cuckoo
World's largest Cuckoo. Length 70cm, Wingspan 107cm
Blue faced Honeyeater
Diet: mostly invertebrates, also nectar & fruit.
Fan-tailed Cuckoo
Lays one egg other bird's nests to raise.
Eucalypt leaves are high in water. Koalas do not need to drink.
Scaly-breasted Lorikeets
Lays eggs in hollows of decayed tree limbs. Modifies by chewing off pieces.
St Andrews Cross Spider
Named for their bright zig zag web decorations.
White-faced Heron
Diet: variety of prey - fish, insects & amphibians.
Welcome Swallows
Short bristles at sides of mouth help guide insects into their gullet as they fly.
Rainbow Lorikeet
Magpie feeding Channel billed Cuckoo
Magpie is fooled into raising the chick as its own.
Common Bronzewings
Native pigeon
Common Green Tree Frog
Males grow up to 9cm. Females up to 12cm.
Brush-tail Possum
Marsupial. Carries young in pouch
Plumed Whistling Duck
Also known as Grass Whistling Duck
Plumed Whistling Ducks with Chicks
Lifespan: 8-10 years. Pairs for life, raising chicks together.
Part of the Cockatoo family. Friendly, playful & great mimics
Little Corellas
Diet: grains, grass seeds, bulbs & fruits.
Fiery Skimmer Dragonfly
Female. Males have a bright red body.
Forest Kingfisher
Nests in termite nests in trees & in tree hollows
Eastern Golden Orb Weaving Spider
Sticky, wheel-shaped orb golden webs.
Willie Wagtail with Chick
Very bold. Will protect their territory from kookaburras & eagles.
Swamp Wallaby
Diet: shrubs, bushes, bark and fungi.
Brush-tail Rock Wallaby
Diet: grasses, shrubs, trees, roots, bark.
Sacred Ibis
Also known as Australian White Ibis
Southern Boobook Owl
Smallest, most common owl in Australia
Tends to sleep and rest for 20 hours a day
Bush Stone-Curlew Protecting Eggs
Masked Lapwing protecting Chick
Chicks reach full growth at 4 months.
Swamp Wallaby
Swamp Wallabies can suckle two joeys of different ages.
Blue faced Honeyeaters
Territorial, feeding in flocks. Aggressive to other birds.
Noisy Friarbird
Tawny Frogmouth Chicks Nest
Nests are built in tree forks.
Rainbow Bee eater
Very social birds. Roost together in large groups.
Wolf Spider
Habitat: leaf litter, burrows. Diet: small invertebrates, frogs.
Welcome Swallow Chicks
'Welcome’ Swallow was named by sailors. Sightings meant land was not far away.
Willie Wagtail Nest
Nests are reused, or rebuilt by recycling materials. Lined with feathers, fur, or hair plucked from livestock. Spiderweb on exterior.
Channel-billed Cuckoo
Migrates from New Guinea to breed here.
Goannas are Monitor Lizards. 42 varieties in Australia
Eastern Grey Kangaroos
Rest in shade during the day. Graze at night.
Willie Wagtail
Is a pursuit predator that chases insects on the wing.
Tawny Frogmouth with Chicks
Diet: wide variety invertebrates, reptiles, small mammals.
Rainbow Lorikeets
Pairs for long periods, if not for life. Only females care for young.
Figbird Male
Also known as Green Figbird. Mimics other birds.
Wood Duck family
Able to walk easily on land. Forages in grasses, clover, eats insects.
Goanna upright
Stands upright to assess surrounds.
Also known as the Laughing Kookaburra. Laugh signals its territory to other birds.
Red-neck Wallaby with Wallaby
Feeds primarily on grasses & roots.
Red-neck Wallabies
Macropod marsupial common across Australia.
Black House Spider
Habitat: logs, rocks, building's window frames, wall crevices.
Noisy Friarbird in Callistemon flowers
Honeyeater family. Form long-term pairs. Parents aggressively defend nest & surrounds.
Australian Grebe Nest Chick
Floating Nest made from vegetation
Willie Wagtail
The largest & most well-known of Australian Fantails.
Perons Tree Frog
Square tailed Kite
Listed Vulnerable in NSW, Threatened in Victoria, Endangered in Sth Australia, & Rare in Queensland.
Red-neck Wallabies
Inhabits eucalypt forests.
Eastern Spinebill
Very energetic. Low whirring sound when hovering.
Noisy Miner
Highly social & territorial birds.
White Throated Honeyeater
Habitat: forested areas near creeks.
Eastern Spinebill
Advantageous long beak, extracting nectar where others can't.
Jewel Spider
Also known as Christmas spider. Length 10mm. Orb-webs.
Highly regarded songbirds. Their pitch can vary over up to four octaves.
The song of many Cicadas can be deafening loud!
Red-neck Wallaby Pinky
A 'Pinky' usually remains in mother's pouch until it grows fur.
Double-barred Finches
Builds nests in grasses & low shrubs.
Masked Lapwing
Also known as a Plover
White-necked Heron
Shy and very wary. Diet: fish, dragonfly nymphs, insects.
Red-neck Wallaby Pouch Joey
Ibis Flock
Pale-headed Rosella
Nests in deep hollows of large trees in open woodland.
Brush-tail Rock Wallaby Joey
Vulnerable - foxes, wild dogs & competition from feral goats.
Masked Lapwing and Chick
Nests can be made in unlikely exposed areas.
Brown Cuckoo Dove
Very loud "whoop-a whoop" call.
Mon ami le Kookaburra
Common Bronzewing
Adapted to urban areas.
White-faced Heron
Diet: small creatures they disturb when wading, or stalk by standing quietly & waiting.
Lifespan: 10 years. Migrates to Queensland in winter from Tasmania.
Red-neck Wallaby
White-necked Heron
Will defend feeding territories against other species aggressively.
Square tailed Kite
Diet: birds, eggs, chicks, mice, insects, snails, reptiles.
Common Green Tree Frog
Shelters under bark, in tree hollows during the dry season.
Grey Butcherbird
Diet: Invertebrates, small birds, chicks, lizards. Occasionally fruit & small seeds
Eastern Bearded Dragon
Average length 25 cm
King Parrot Male
Noisy Friarbird
Diet: nectar, fruit, invertebrates & other bird's eggs & chicks
Lantana is cleared at Ivory's Rock so Koalas can climb their trees.
A small finch. Length: 11 - 13 cm Weighs approx 10 gms